

□What is a company REBOTECH?

Photo Murabayashi with a track record of negative chemical restoration from 1969 becomes a mother.
It was established 2003 as a company that specializes in chemical restoration of black-and-white photo.
Coined from the reborn and technique, written in English will be REBOTECH.



□The photograph is a cultural heritage that tell the true of history

The chemical work of the original black-and-white photo, REBOTECH will restoration a good in itself.
It has got to look to many people at the museum, such as a photograph that had appeared to be could not be seen in the provision of highly specializer technology.
This process extends durability dramatically.
There is no destruction of the environment because there is no it contains poison, etc.the treatment chemicals.

【個人、法人のお客様へ】修復依頼は、こちらからお願いします。 【Dear customers】 Please request a repair request from the following株式会社リボテック Rebotech Inc.
本社:〒181-0002 東京都三鷹市牟礼6-24-29
大森研究室:〒143-0015 東京都大田区大森西6-4-2

お問い合わせはこちら Click here for repair request お気軽にお問い合わせください。