黒白写真化学修復の歴史                                                            History of black and White photochemical restoration

1965 村林忠(フォトムラバヤシ代表)がネガフィルムの銀汚染除去の研究を始める

Tadashi Murabayashi (president of Photo Murabayashi) will begin a study of silver decontamination of the negative film.

1969 ネガフィルムの銀汚染除去に成功

Successful silver decontamination of the negative film

1970 福原信三氏および福原路草氏の銀汚染によりプリント不可能であった100点のネガフィルムを化学的に修復した

We were repaired chemically negative film of 100 points was a non-printable by silver contamination of Mr.Shinzo Fukuhara and Mr.Rosou Fukuhara

1971 修復したネガから両氏の回顧展(麻布ペンタックスギャラリー)の為にモダンプリントを制作した

Was created a modern print for the retrospective exhibition of Fukuhara brothers from negatives were restoration (at Azabu PENTAX Gallery)

1975 ガラス乾板の銀汚染除去に成功する

We succeed in silver decontamination of glass photographic plates

1977 銀座ニコンサロンにて、修復されたネガからプリントされた作品で福原信三•路草展が開かれた

Shinzo Fukuhara and Rosou Fukuhara Exhibition was held at the work that has been printed from negatives has been restoration (at Ginza Nikon Salon)

1982 日本写真会の依頼により、修復された福原兄弟のネガからモダンプリント64点を制作し「横浜美術館」へ納めた

We will serving to the “Yokohama Museum of Art” and produced a 64-point modern print from a negative film that has been restoration

1985 「つくば写真美術展」へ出品予定の小石清氏のプリント不可能であったネガフィルムを修復してモダンプリントを制作した

Mr. Kiyoshi Koishi’s negative film, which could not be printed, was restored and the modern print was made. The work was exhibited by the Tsukuba exposition.

1992 村林孝夫が印画紙の修復の研究を始める

Takao Murabayashi begins to study restoration of photographic printing paper.

1999 黒白写真の化学修復に成功し特許申請

It succeeds in the chemical restoration of black-and-white photograph, and is patent fillings.

2000 パリで化学的修復を発表、パリ5区のスタジオイマージュで展覧会を開催

Chemical restoration is announced in Paris. An exhibition is held in the studio image of the 5th divisions of Paris.
Chemical repair of the photograph of three points of Ms. Sabine Weiss, three points of Mr. Shinzo Fukuhara, and 20 points of Tadashi Murabayashi were carried out, and it was exhibited.

2002 古写真化学再生の営業を開始

The business of chemistry reproduction of an old photograph is started.

2003 1972年10月ベトナム戦争撮影中に被弾した一ノ瀬泰造氏のカメラから取り出したフィルムの現像に成功。再現された3枚の画像は写真集「もう、みんな家へ帰ろー」に掲載される(日本テレビ系列「きょうの出来事」で放送された)

It succeeds in the development of the film picked out from Mr. Taizo Ichinose’s camera which carried out the cartridge during the October, 1972 Vietnam War photography.
The reproduced picture of three sheets is published at a photograph collection “Mou minna ie he kaerou-.”


Limited company photo Murabayashi acquires the patent of monochrome photograph chemical restoration method.


REBOTECH Inc. establishment, Patent exclusive license setup.

2004 「村林忠写真展」(渋谷区立松濤美術館)に出品されたビンテージプリント50点中17点を化学修復し、同時に90年前の福原信三氏「パリとセーヌ」の修復されたビンテージプリント3点を展示した

During 50 vintage prints sent by the“ Tadashi Murabayashi photo exhibition” (Shibuya ward Shoto art museum), chemical restoration of the 17 points is carried out, and they are exhibited. Three vintage prints in which Mr. Shinzo Fukuhara of 90 years ago “Paris and Seine” was restored simultaneously were exhibited.


A lecture is given by the theme “Chemical restoration of black-and-white vintage photograph and exhibition” by a “Japanese photographic art society” annual meeting.

2005 日本写真芸術学会」年次大会で「ゼラチンシルバープリント修復の実際」というテーマで研究発表講演を行う

A research presentation lecture is given by the theme “gelatin silver print restoration is actual” by a Japanese photographic art society” annual meeting.


Albumen-paper remedial technique is completed as promotion services of Tokyo Metropolitan Small Business Promotion Agency.

2008 「夢の扉」(TBSテレビ)番組中で修復した勝海舟の鶏卵紙の肖像写真が再現され、着衣の様子から撮影された時代が特定された

The photographic portrait of Kaishu Katsu’s albumen paper restored in the “Yume no tobira” (TBS television) program was reproduced, and the time photo’d from the situation of clothes was specified.

2013 東北大学大学院文学研究室のご依頼でガラス乾板の修復テストを行い成功する

By the request of the Tohoku University graduate school literary researches room, the restoration test of a glass film plate is done and it succeeds.

2018 村林孝夫 第52回 吉川英治文化賞を受賞